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Сайт о селе Ивановка Азербайджанской Республики

Михаил Новотный в селе Ивановка


Дек 29, 2015
Michal Novotny

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Один из лучших чешских фотожурналистов Михаил Новотный посетил село Ивановка и снял фотографии молокан во время молитвы. В 2005 году его фоторепортаж из школы для слепых в Либерии удостоился приза на престижнейшем конкурсе World Press Photo.

July 26, 2015 - Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves "Spiritual Christians". Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 — Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves «Spiritual Christians». Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 - Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves "Spiritual Christians". Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 — Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves «Spiritual Christians». Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 - Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves "Spiritual Christians". Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 — Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves «Spiritual Christians». Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 - Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves "Spiritual Christians". Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 — Ivanovka, Azerbaijan : Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves «Spiritual Christians». Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 - Ivanovka, Azerbaijan :Villagers arrive for Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves "Spiritual Christians". Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)
July 26, 2015 — Ivanovka, Azerbaijan :Villagers arrive for Sunday prayers in Molokan community in the village of Ivanovka in Azerbaijan.The Molokans are Christian Russians who refused to adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church’s’ fasts and rituals. Since they are regarded as neither Orthodox, nor Catholic nor Protestant, they tend to call themselves «Spiritual Christians». Shia and Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions live together in peace in Azerbaijan.(Michal Novotny / Polaris)






Автор: ivanovka.net

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